Organ and Tissue Donation
Advance discussion of donation with family members is just as important as signing a card. In practice, donations cannot be carried out without the consent of next-of-kin. In a time of extreme stress and grief, a signed donor card and knowledge of the individual’s wishes will help families make their decision about donation. However, given our location, circumstances often don’t allow us all the options we would have in bigger centres (e.g. London, Toronto). Therefore, donors from Grey-Bruce are frequently limited in their contributions.
For more information about this important topic please visit the site:
Donating One’s Body to Science
Donating one’s body to science is not as clear cut as it may first appear. For instance, donations are not accepted if:
- Donors have been embalmed
- Donors have had recent major surgery
- Donors have infectious diseases, e.g., tuberculosis, hepatitis, AIDS, etc.
- Donors are considered morbidly obese
- Donors have experienced trauma, e.g., an automobile accident
- Donors have amputations
- Donors have major internal disfiguration due to disease
- Donors have had organs surgically removed (eye enucleation excepted)
- Space limitations in the Body Bequeathal program
The transportation of the body and the gathering of the required documentation is the financial responsibility of the estate. The cremated remains may not be ready to return for approximately 18 months to 3 years following the receipt of the body. Notification of cremation is sent to the family only if requested at the time of the donation. Family who wish to claim the cremated remains for private inurnment may do so, but expenses concerned with inurnment must be borne by the estate of the deceased.
Another determining factor that should be considered is, do you want to be cremated? If not, please don’t select body donation as all donations are returned as cremated remains.
Finally, all individuals should plan with the mindset that their wishes might not be fulfilled. What ceremonies do you want if your body cannot be donated to science? Do you want to be buried or cremated? Please have all of these discussions with your family as they may have to be acted upon.