Have You Considered These?

The most difficult time to plan a funeral is after a death has occurred. Well over 50 decisions have to be made and most people are simply not aware of where to start, the significance of each decision or the many options available to them. Pre-arranging is a gift. A gift for those you care for most. A gift that’s priceless, immeasurable and sincere. It is the gift of making a difficult time, a little bit easier. Having the same conversation with your family ahead of time is just as important!
We plan for graduation, weddings, the birth of our children (for the most part), and our retirement. We plan for education costs, vacations, and special anniversaries. We plan because it gives us control. Pre-planning one’s own arrangements is a satisfying, valuable act that gives a sense of control over our lives today.
Peace of Mind
Pre-planning and pre-paying, for final arrangements, is an important part of providing for your family’s security and well-being. You’ll experience the satisfaction of knowing that urgent decisions have been taken care of and your family members will have a clear idea of your wishes.
Cost Savings/Guarantee
Planning in advance offers cost savings of up to thousands of dollars, reducing the financial burden on your loved ones. Make your investment in today’s dollars, at today’s prices and protect your estate from the high rate of inflation.
Your pre-arrangements, and funds, are transferable between any funeral home across Canada.
Reduction of Stress
Pre-arranging allows the conversation around death and dying to be discussed with less emotional stress. In addition, pre-arranging removes a lot of uncertainty for your loved ones at a time of stress and helps to eliminate the risk of emotional overspending.
Your Wishes
Choose personalized, customized options that are just right for you and your family and experience the peace of mind pre-planning can bring.
Do I Preplan or Prepay?
There is absolutely no obligation to prepay when preplanning one’s funeral but more and more individuals feel that it is important to do so. There is comfort and security in knowing that these financial arrangements have been taken care of and will not be the responsibility of others in a stressful and emotional time.
If you choose to pay in advance, all money is protected under provincial law and can be refundable or transferred if your situation changes.
Travel/Health Insurance?
Do you travel a lot or stay in warm destinations for long periods of time? Have you ever wondered what would happen if you died while you were travelling or on vacation? It can happen and it can be very expensive if you have no insurance coverage for that event.
Please discuss this further with us, if you see the need.