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Call Now – Available 24/7 519-363-2525
What Do I Want

Organizing a Ceremony – Checklist

This checklist was not created to deter individuals from designing and carrying out their own funeral services. Instead, the intent is to give you a step by step plan to help you understand and cover all the responsibilities that one can expect to encounter when planning a ceremony.

☐ Confirm the availability and cost of your desired facility or location for ceremony

☐ Contact and confirm Celebrant/Clergy

☐ Confirm the availability and cost of your desired facility or location for reception

☐ Contact Musician/Organist for ceremony

☐ Contact and confirm caterer (Discuss availability, fees, menu and expected attendance)

☐ Discuss fees with all participants (e.g. custodian, organist, clergy)

☐ Is there a sound system (e.g. microphone) for the ceremony? If so, who is running it?

☐ Arrange for the facility to be opened for deliveries & ceremony

☐ Arrange for flower deliveries

☐ Arranging floral arrangements prior to ceremony

☐ Set-up/placement of stationery (Register book, memorial cards, bulletins etc.)

☐ Transport cremated remains to ceremony

☐ Set-up cremated remains at ceremony (e.g. display table)

☐ Who will collect/receive memorial donations?

☐ Forward monies onto desired charities

☐ Pay all participants!

☐ Who will help give direction (e.g. usher) to guests, reserve seating or handout bulletins?

☐ Who will give instructions to participants and direct family when beginning the ceremony?

☐ Who gives direction at the end of the ceremony?

☐ Announce and direct visitors to reception

☐ Disassemble ceremony site (e.g. cremated remains, flowers, pictures, etc.)

☐ Transport and disperse flowers in a timely fashion

☐ Shut down (e.g. lights, heat) and lock facilities

Other things to consider…

☐ Do you want a bulletin/order of service? If so, who is designing it and producing it?

☐ If playing audio music, who will bring the CD player as well as press “play” at the appropriate time(s) during the services?

☐ Please set aside time and delegate responsibilities to arrange memorabilia, pictures and/or set up a digital picture tribute prior to services.

Equipment we (the funeral home) bring with us….

Flower stands, lectern, donation cards, envelopes, pens, picture frames, picture stands, picture boards, TV, extension cords, tape, scissors, matches and most importantly our people (staff).

Please contact us if you have questions (519) 363-2525 or [email protected]. We are always here to help!

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