Our Price List
Honoured to Support the Communities of:
Allenford, Chatsworth, Chesley, Desboro, Elmwood, Hanover, Paisley, Tara
If you are comparing prices among funeral providers, it is important to recognize the differences in the overall level of service and the manner in which fees are quoted. Every funeral provider charges separately for two main components – professional services and merchandise. While one firm may have a lower service charge than another, their merchandise prices may be higher, resulting in a comparable total price.
At Rhody Family Funeral Home we place the emphasis on service over merchandise as we trust that consumers today mainly value a positive experience with staff, family friendly facilities, and thoughtful attention to detail. Our facilities and technology are state of the art and assist us in offering you the best experience possible. Rhody Family Funeral Home will go out of its way to accommodate special requests and demonstrate creativity in tailoring and orchestrating all of our services. You are free, and encouraged, to pick and choose options that best suit you and your family’s need.
Finally, we have nothing to hide, thus our funeral home’s prices are publically posted here on our website. Please take a look at our pricing and let us know if you have any questions.